Presentations for 2007

January 2007
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
Wade explained that creating CPAN-ready Perl modules is not particularly difficult. Nowadays, there are several modules that make it even easier.
February 2007
Presenter: Robert Boone
Robert gave an introduction to the Catalyst web development framework.
April 2007
Presenter: Robert Boone
Robert gave an interesting presentation on the Moose module and Class::MOP. Moose defines a new standard for creating and using objects in Perl.
September 2007
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
Wade gave a presentation about code references in Perl 5. This talk explains some of the things you can do with coderefs, including the concept of closures and ending with an introduction to currying.
October 2007
Presenter: Brandon Black
Brandon covered some of the basics of Catalyst and DBIC.
November 2007
Presenter: Robert Boone
Robert presented a few modules in the Perl core that don't get used much.