Moose Moose - It's the new camel  
  1. What is Moose?
  2. Another object system
  3. Metaclass system
  4. Build a standard class
  5. Build equivalent in Moose
  6. Add type checking
  7. Default Type Constraints
  8. Standard inheritance
  9. Moose inheritance
  10. Method modifiers or wrappers
  11. Explicit Override
  12. Roles: Composable Units of Behavior
  13. Comparable Role
  14. Use in a class
  15. Reuse in a different class
  16. More involved Moose example from Stevan Little
  17. Build your own type constraints
  18. What if you want to change the date
  19. My standard, bad, implementation of the Observer pattern
  20. The End?
Copyright © 2007 Robert Boone