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Presentations put forward by our members

April 8th, 2021 πŸ”—  Sun Apr 04 2021  

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For April's Meeting we have

George Baugh presenting:

Pairwise: using combinatorics, distributed version control and QA principles to reduce the costs of continuous integration.

Followed by Lightning Talks.

All are welcome to present Lightning Talks on any subject interesting to a software developer.

Date and Time: Thur April 8th at 6:00 PM Central Time

March 11th, 2021 Meeting πŸ”—  Sun Feb 28 2021  

🏷️ blog 🏷️ meetings

Call for Lightning Talks

We are planning to have a meeting with short 10 minute or so Lightning talks. Come prepared to talk for a few minutes about a project you are working, or are interested in.

Contact Julian Brown if you have a moment before hand so you can be scheduled.

Date and Time: Thur March 11th at 6:00 PM Central Time

February 11th, 2021 meeting πŸ”—  Mon Feb 01 2021  

🏷️ blog 🏷️ meetings
This month, Mark Gardner will present Better Perl: Subroutine signatures and type validation.

Date and Time: Thur February 11th at 6:00 PM Central Time

January 2021 meeting πŸ”—  Sat Dec 26 2020  

🏷️ blog 🏷️ meetings

This month, Brett Estrade will present Atomic Operations in Unix (and Perl).

Commands in Unix such as ln and mv can be used as synchronization primitives for managing child processes. Examples will be shown using both bash and perl.

Brett Estrade (ESTRABD on CPAN)

Date and Time: Thur January 14th at 6:00 PM Central Time

tCMS: Yet another CMS written in perl πŸ”—  Tue Dec 22 2020  

🏷️ news
December 2020

George Baugh talks about his work on his CMS called tCMS.

Process Management Modules in Perl πŸ”—  Tue Dec 22 2020  

🏷️ news
November 2020
Presenter: Brett Estrade
Brett covers some process management in Perl, including MCE and Parallel::ForkManager::Segmented

A /usr/bin/sendmail like perl script that uses SendGrid email delivery service πŸ”—  Wed Oct 21 2020  

🏷️ news
October 2020
Presenter: Julian Brown
Julian Brown will describe a Perl script he wrote that uses SendGrid to handle outgoing server email. He'll cover the process, the script, and some DNS configuration.
Topic: Demystifying MOPs - a Crash Course in Metaprogramming
Presenter: Evan Carroll
Evan describes a real-world scenario where he used the MOP to test an interface for third-party code.

2001: How our Grandfathers wrote OO Perl πŸ”—  Mon Sep 21 2020  

🏷️ news
September 2020
Presenter: Brett Estrade
Brett Estrade will tour the book Object Oriented Perl: A Comprehensive Guide to Concepts and Programming Techniques by Damien Conway. The book shows the old approach to OO in Perl.

Perl 7: An Opinionated Introduction πŸ”—  Fri Aug 21 2020  

🏷️ news
August 2020
Presenter: James Keenan
James Keenan gives an introduction to the upcoming Perl 7 release. This is a chance to continue evolving Perl into the future, while providing a point to disconnect from some legacy behavior.

Update on TPCiC and Perl 7, plus discussion πŸ”—  Tue Jul 21 2020  

🏷️ news
July 2020
Presenter: Todd Rinaldo
For this month's remote meeting, Todd Rinaldo will give a summary of where Perl stands today. We'll go on from there to a more general discussion among the teams.

June Remote Social Meeting πŸ”—  Sun Jun 21 2020  

🏷️ news
June 2020
A group of us hang out on Zoom and talk about whatever comes to mind.

A TDD approach to learning πŸ”—  Thu May 21 2020  

🏷️ news
May 2020
Presenter: Evan Carroll
We'll hear from Evan Carroll about a project he's working on, and any other subjects we think to discuss.

SQL 101 πŸ”—  Tue Apr 21 2020  

🏷️ news
April 2020
Topic: SQL 101
Presenter: Julian Brown
Julian Brown covers the basics of SQL in this fundamentals talk.

Perl Data Structures: Tips, Tricks, and Traps πŸ”—  Sat Mar 21 2020  

🏷️ news
March 2020
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
Making the best use of Perl includes understanding and using its data structures. G. Wade Johnson will present the major Perl data structures, dipping slightly into implementation, but focusing mostly on the effective use of those structures.

Coverage guided fuzzing the Perl interpreter πŸ”—  Fri Feb 21 2020  

🏷️ news
February 2020
Presenter: John Lightsey
John Lightsey will present an early version of a talk he has scheduled for The Perl and Raku Conference this year. The talk will cover using fuzzing in analysis of the Perl interpreter. If you have interest in security, Perl, or fuzz testing, this will be the talk for you.

25 most recent posts older than  Fri Feb 21 2020
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