A /usr/bin/sendmail like perl script that uses SendGrid email delivery service
Julian talked about a method for sending emails.
- Two adult sons
- One is a developer for CRM
- Expertise in delivering email
- SendGrid: sendgrid.com
- Free level at <100 emails a day
- Don't have a supported Perl library
- There are metacpan modules
- He wrote his own
- His script is specific to his needs, not really a sendmail replacement
- The API takes 5-10 seconds
- Don't know why the delay
- Batch/queue mode and send
- Works pretty well
- He has not hit the 100 limit. Get email at 75 as a warning
- Discussion about avoiding file collisions
- Real version uses database not file system
Demystifying MOPs
Evan Carroll used the rest of the presentation to describe a real-world scenario where a MOP simplifed a solution.
- MOP as a solution to real problem
- Testing that code matches the contract
- Trying to black-box test the interface is not viable
- A type definition to coerce and assert/test the type
- Shows how to add functions to a symbol table
- Using the MOP to specify attributes for types
We had 9 people attending the remote meeting on Zoom this month.