Debbie began by breaking the group into two person teams. The team had to create an algorithm for sorting cards. The trick is one person would follow the algorithm, the other would compare two cards by pointing. This forces the pair to think more like the way a computer must solve problems.

She went on to discuss some of the differences between computer science and programming. This lead to an explanation about educating students on how programming works. The program is all about teaching teachers to teach students at different levels how to think about computation and eventually programming.

She also talked about the effects of different demographics on teaching this topic.

This is very different from our normal presentation and the audience appeared to be fascinated. Many questions were asked.

If you would like to know more about the program, check out the website.

We had 11 people attending this month. As always, we'd like to thank Hostgator, LLC for providing the meeting space and food for the group.