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/users/Archivist Extraordinaire:

Archivist Extraordinaire πŸ”— 1623434189  

August 14th, 2024 - 6pm CT - Houston Perl Mongers πŸ”— 1722017479  

🏷️ meetings

Title: What's New in Perl v5.40
When: Wed August 14th, 2024 at 6:00-8:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)
Where: (virtual, see below):
What: General discussion. Bring your topics, questions, and Perl thoughts!

Meeting ID: 920 069 702
Password can be found by running this statement or reading the comment.
perl -e 'print +(0b1000100).((3<<2)*10).(010)."\n"' # 681208

May Houston Perl Monger Meeting πŸ”— 1716263528  

🏷️ meetings
Meeting 3: May 22nd, 7pm-9pm on Houston Perl Mongers' DISCORD Bunker

Title: Monthly Book Perl Study - Effective Perl Programming
When: Wed May 22nd at 7:00-9:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)
Where: (virtual, see below):
What: Brett Estrade will continue to lead a discussion of the current book we're studying.

April Houston Perl Mongers Meetings πŸ”— 1712252780  

🏷️ meetings
Meeting 1:April 11th, 6pm-8pm on ZOOM

Title: General Discussion
When: Thur April 11th at 6:00-8:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)
Where: (virtual, see below):
What: General discussion. Bring your topics, questions, and Perl thoughts!

Meeting ID: 920 069 702
Password can be found by running this statement or reading the comment. perl -e 'print +(0b1000100).((3<<2)*10).(010)."\n"' # 681208

Meeting 2: April 25th, 7pm-9pm on Houston Perl Mongers' DISCORD Bunker

Title: Monthly Book Perl Study - Effective Perl Programming
When: Wed April 25th at 7:00-9:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)
Where: (virtual, see below):
What: Brett Estrade will continue to lead a discussion of the current book we're studying.

Open Discord invite, no password or secret handshakes.

March Meetings (yes 2 meetings, please read details) πŸ”— 1709958563  

🏷️ meetings
Meeting 1: March 14th, 6pm-8pm on ZOOM

Title: Introducing Intellexer::API
When: Thur March 14th at 6:00-8:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)
Where: (virtual, see below):
What: Josh Day (HAX) will discuss his new CPAN module Intellexer::API

Meeting ID: 920 069 702
Password can be found by running this statement or reading the comment. perl -e 'print +(0b1000100).((3<<2)*10).(010)."\n"' # 681208

Meeting 2: March 27th, 7pm-9pm on Houston Perl Mongers' DISCORD Bunker

Title: Monthly Perl Study
When: Wed March 27th at 7:00-9:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)
Where: (virtual, see below):
What: Brett Estrade will lead a discussion on some Perl topic (TBA)

Open Discord invite, no password or secret handshakes.

February 08, 6pm CT ~ Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting πŸ”— 1706205301  

🏷️ meetings

Title: Using Perl Prototypes

When: Thur February 8th at 6:00-8:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)

Where: (virtual, see below):

perl -e 'print +(0b1000100).((3<<2)*10).(010)."\n"' # 681208

Original post:

May 13th, 2021 Meeting πŸ”— 1619998670  

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For May's Meeting we have Brett Estrade presenting:

OpenMP & Perl & perl

A short introduction to OpenMP is presented, along with two new CPAN modules: OpenMP::Environment and Alien::OpenMP. The topic of sequential consistency (and what it means to perl) will also be discussed.

Date and Time: Thur May 13th at 6:00 PM Central Time

April 8th, 2021 πŸ”— 1617545776  

🏷️ blog 🏷️ meetings 🏷️ presentations

For April's Meeting we have

George Baugh presenting:

Pairwise: using combinatorics, distributed version control and QA principles to reduce the costs of continuous integration.

Followed by Lightning Talks.

All are welcome to present Lightning Talks on any subject interesting to a software developer.

Date and Time: Thur April 8th at 6:00 PM Central Time

March 11th, 2021 Meeting πŸ”— 1614532294  

🏷️ blog 🏷️ meetings 🏷️ presentations

Call for Lightning Talks

We are planning to have a meeting with short 10 minute or so Lightning talks. Come prepared to talk for a few minutes about a project you are working, or are interested in.

Contact Julian Brown if you have a moment before hand so you can be scheduled.

Date and Time: Thur March 11th at 6:00 PM Central Time

February 11th, 2021 meeting πŸ”— 1612187912  

🏷️ blog 🏷️ meetings 🏷️ presentations
This month, Mark Gardner will present Better Perl: Subroutine signatures and type validation.

Date and Time: Thur February 11th at 6:00 PM Central Time

January 2021 meeting πŸ”— 1609008431  

🏷️ blog 🏷️ meetings 🏷️ presentations

This month, Brett Estrade will present Atomic Operations in Unix (and Perl).

Commands in Unix such as ln and mv can be used as synchronization primitives for managing child processes. Examples will be shown using both bash and perl.

Brett Estrade (ESTRABD on CPAN)

Date and Time: Thur January 14th at 6:00 PM Central Time

Monthly Meetings πŸ”— 1609008204  

Our meetings will be announced as determined. We are working on resuming a regular schedule. Group Projects πŸ”— 1608661217  

Some members Houston Perl Mongers Group have worked together on projects that we would like to share with the community at large. Information about these projects will be listed here. This page lists both active projects and proposed projects.

Active projects each have their own page. The page contains information about the project including the Project Lead/Organizer, a list of developers working on the project, any reference materials, and links to download code associated with the project. This should work as long as each project remains relatively small. Any project that grows too large to maintain on a single page could be moved to SourceForge or some other collaborative development environment at the discretion of the Project Lead.

25 most recent posts older than 1608661217
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